Then press enter and exit out if the developer console. If you want to make it faster and be able to do it always at the click of a key, do bind "whatever key you want to use for the kill bind" kill. This will bring up the Developer Console. To do the part to make it so you have it, you press the ~ key on your keyboard. You will see that "Enable Developer Console" is one of the options press on that one and make sure it is checked marked. To have it start working after you chose your new playermodel, go into options, keyboard, then advanced. How To Change Skin For Gravity Gun In Gmod How To Change Player Model In Gmod. There will be more player models as you download more mods/addons from the steam community workshop page for Garry's Mod. In sandbox press and hold C to select a playermodel. To look down at more playermodels, use your mouse 3 button to scroll down. To select them, press on the mouse 1 button. Press on the model you want to choose/have as your player model.

Then it will bring up a character/player model selection part. Learn more about Iceline Hosting’s GMod server hosting services here.Hold down c (or what your button is binded for that) and go to player model (whatever it is it might be that I can't remember right now) Are you still facing issues even after you’ve checked all this? You can submit a ticket to Iceline hosting’s support team at any time and we will reply within office hours! You should check that you have made your steam collection public and uploaded the player model to it. Make sure that you have followed the quickstart guide step-by-step. However, for it to update you need “kill” yourself in-game by doing the “kill” command in your Garry’s Mod console. Now you have changed your player model.Click on a character model to select that character, then press “Q” to close the main “GMod” menu. Click the “Model” entry under the “Player” header of the options menu to open the character selection menu. Click the “Options” tab in the upper-right corner of the main “GMod” menu to open the options menu. When in-game, press the “Q” key while playing “GMod” to open the main “GMod” menu.Subscribe & add it to your steam collection and restart your server (No server? Start your GMod server hosting at Iceline Hosting now).For example, in this tutorial I will be using Mr. Find a player model that you would like to download.Navigate to the Garry’s Mod Steam workshop found here.You can look up pretty much anything, there are tons of custom models that were made to be compatible with Garry’s Mod. To download player models, make sure that you go onto the steam workshop. How to Download and Use Your Player Models: To get your very own player models, you can download them from the steam workshop and add them to your GMod server just like other Garry’s Mod addons. In Garry’s Mod, you can choose from many different types of player models. A player model is a character that you play as in Garry’s Mod.